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day 5 


Today was a great day we went back to The Narrows to go hiking. We had 3 Places we could go 1st being the nature reserve, 2nd being the water testing. 3rd being just to go swimming. My group decided to go swimming first because we expected there would be a lot of people later in the day that would want to go swimming so we wanted to get ahead. Once we found the rope swing of our choice we go in the river it was extremely cold 40 degrees actually it was really fun though even if we couldn’t feel our legs. After that we went hiking to find the water testing and on the way we saw 3 snakes! One of the snakes were really big and scary also on the way we slipped in a lot of mud. After water testing we went to go eat lunch because after swimming we all were starving. Next we went to the nature reserve and wrote about what we saw in our nature journals which are these books we make before we left. I recorded a lot about the moss I saw on the rocks I don’t know why it was so interesting to me but it was soft and squishy it smelled like water and it was green and very texture like it was made up of different patterns. I drew a sketch but I’m not an artist so it wasn’t great but it was fun to do. Anyways after all of that we went back to the school got cleaned up and did some yoga. I think I learned a lot today and I am happy we went because even though I was scared of how cold the water is or the snakes it was still really fun.  

day 6 

Today was very interesting and laid back we went to Carriage Hill. Which is a historical farm, I have never been to an actual farm before so I was excited. First we went to the actual barn and saw sheep, chickens, horses, pigs etc. it smelled pretty bad but they were nice animals. Next we went to the historical houses and we saw the black smith they talked to us a little about the history there and I even got to help set up the loom. Then we went to the main building which has the videos and the candy shop. We watched the video that’s technically was for kids but it was funny to watch. We went down to the candy shop and it had a lot of homemade things in it and of course candy. We also played in the kid’s area that was really funny. We also visited the grave yard and the tool grave yard. It was interesting to walk through the history of generations of stuff and people that was there. On the farm they also had a creek that I didn’t get into but it was extremely pretty. Today I learned that the world is a small place when we were watching the video she said “I traveled all the way to Miamisburg” and I made me think about how small the world really is and what they had to go through just to get there.  

pictures from today 


daily writing piece 



Mommy’s unfair


I wake up on another day

I have to start by grabbing a bundle of hay

I feed the horses and the pigs now on to the hard part I have to grab the twigs

Picking up 1... 2... 3...  Until the yard is free

Mother calls from inside with the smell of fresh berry pie

I race to the door but Oh No! First I have to mop the floor

Maybe I can get around it I thought but that goes against what I’ve been taught

It’s getting late my brothers and sisters already ate

“Mommy may I please have some pie now”

She looked over and said “did you milk the cow”  


pictures from the day 

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